Michael Bacina
B.Com., LL.B., LL.M., G.D.L.P., F.B.A.
Partner, Piper Alderman Financial Services & Fintech Group
Michael and his team deliver high performance and timely commercial legal advice for clients deploying disruptive technology and blockchain. He leverages his past software development and interest in technology to provide my clients a valuable advantage in meeting the legal issues facing technology and business.
Michael has years of experience in commercial negotiations, contracts, disputes and litigation, technology, construction, strata and insolvency/structuring. He regularly writes on blockchain and technology matters and presents Australia wide and internationally on legal issues in technology.
Specialties: Blockchain, Commercial Contracts, Information Technology, Regtech, Privacy, DATA Breaches, Compliance, Shareholder Agreements, Construction Contracts, Insolvency, Contract negotiation and drafting, Commercial Litigation, Contract Disputes, Strata Law, Mediation and Negotiations, and Business Advisory.
Qualifications and accolades
Michael holds a Bachelor of Commerce (MQU), a Bachelor of Laws (MQU), a Masters of Laws (UNSW) and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (Collaw). He is admitted to practice law in the Supreme Court of New South Wales and the High Court of Australia.
Michael was one of only 4 lawyers in Australia ranked as Band 1 Fintech Lawyers in the prestigious Chambers & Partners 2020
In 2019 Michael was a finalist for Blockchain Leader of the Year and was named Blockchain Policymaker or Influencer of the Year by Blockchain Australia.
In 2019 Michael's Blockchain & Fintech Group was a finalist for Blockchain Advisors of the Year by Blockchain Australia.