Council of Financial Regulators release Quarterly Statement considering stablecoins
The Council of Financial Regulators released their quarterly statement on Monday, mentioning digital currencies for the first time.
Steven Pettigrove, Partner, Piper Alderman
Michael Bacina
The Council of Financial Regulators released their quarterly statement on Monday, mentioning digital currencies for the first time.
SIX Digital Exchange trading platform, which planned to be using blockchain technology to run their whole exchange, has delayed launch.
On 18 June 2019 Facebook released its whitepaper for its long-awaited planned cryptocurrency Libra coin, disclosing that Facebook will...
On 30 May 2019, ASIC updated its guidance on initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crypto-assets. Since being last updated in May 2018,...
In the wake of the fifth anniversary of Mt Gox’s collapse, it is worth re-examining what happened and considering some of the key legal...
As part of a review into Initial Coin Offerings, the Australian Government Treasury has recently published an Issues Paper (Review)...
Aren’t lawyers supposed to be out of a job by now? There continues to be a lot of hype around blockchain and smart contracts as the...
There has been increasing interest in initial coin offering/token sale/token generation events (ICO) in Australia this year. Below we set...
Since Bitcoin was introduced in 2008, it has continued to grow in popularity, public awareness and adoption. As of the time of writing,...
2017 was been a stellar year for cryptocurrency valuations in general and Bitcoin in particular. On 1 January 2017 the USD$ value of a...
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) yesterday issued a press release and guidance for those considering launching...
TL;DR / Summary Token sales (also known as Initial Coin Offerings) offer a new form of fundraising which involve an exchange of fiat...
In mid-August 2017 the Australian Federal Parliament moved to amend the succinctly named Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism...